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Damn Fine Music | 14 comments (14 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
High Horse (none / 0) (#3)
by bill fragos on Wed Jun 2nd, 2004 at 09:19:31 AM CST
(User Info)

Why play for 7 hours?! What are you doin'!

Well, as you know, my thoughts are very different... build it/play it and they shall come! Sure those who like RnB may leave, but hey, it is a CLUB and they can go and turn on the radio and listen to almost every radio station to hear their RnB/Pop (whatever you want to call it) or alternatively they can go to an RnB "club" (an oxymoron perhaps?!). Club culture has its roots in music that is not widely available, thus creating "sub-culture". When maninstream music enters the clubbing arena then it all goes pear shaped. Clubs should be clubbing and providing an alternative, an escape from the everyday. You are right, it is about feeling free - free from the ordinary, the commercial, the material... an escape from reality - hence the music should reflect that desire

Vice versa...I don't play or listen to club music when I am at work.. but why? Because club music is not designed for that environment. Music is about creating moods, and the last I want to do at work is get geared up for a club!

The DJ and MCs (and sometimes the professional dancers) all have a role to play in getting a crowd going and pushing new music and educating those who frequent their club/parties. It is unnecessary to drop tracks that are "cheesy" or "pop" (like many RnB tracks are). See for example, the quote from April 2004 Soul Good Chart - Last Night the DJ Saved My Life. It is on point. If a person doesn't like it or appreciate it, they are most likely not a "clubber" and they can go frequent another establishment that provides the service they desire. Should you play quality music, quality people will appreciate it and return to see you. The underlying assumption is that you are playing quality music in a qualitative way : P

I respect what you say and that you have a different view, that's cool - each to their own. I suppose it really comes down to the point about what role you envisage for yourself, what your purpose for being there is, what perception you want to create and the impression you wish to leave on people.

You are a great DJ in that you know how to mix, you do it well and you certainly aim to keep everyone happy. That's cool.

Respect, and appreciate the opportunity to discuss these issues and to encourage others to speak their mind and show some soul!

[ Parent ]

Damn Fine Music | 14 comments (14 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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