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IBIZA TOWN! | 1 comment (1 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
ee-bee-fa (none / 0) (#1)
by bill fragos on Tue Jul 20th, 2004 at 11:06:40 AM CST
(User Info)

Mobos and Lukas! Good to know u is propa mashin tings up on the White Isle! Issit issit wikkid?!!! been there done that : P

Motos: I almost go killed riding one thanks to some car being driven by some git who decided to cut in front of me and then brake when realising that there was an intersection. Please don't tell my parents.... People cant drive propa on this island - me tink is because they are propa mashed when drivin'

Bora Bora is indeed wiiikkkid. Me suggest you check out Salinas beach too. Tis very noice.

DJ Gee is THE eivissa DJ - he's been there a looong time & is one of the first true eivissa djs - me tink he lives there - he's a wikkid contact and is basically Mr Pootla as far as connections go. He has released many cd's and ting and carries much respect.

Space is hit and miss - it really depends on who's playing. But most of the time it's full of spaced out people - given that it opens in the morning and runs all day ... the ultimate recovery...? Stuff that, go get a tan, do some shopping, go to zee beach, meet sum people... much more entertaining!

U must check out Pacha biatch, much more fun and has a wiikid set up - when u go in it's like an expedition cos there are sooo many rooms and walkways it's pretty freaky.... i'd bet people are in there who have been walking around for the last 6 weeks who are messed up and don't know where they are going.... does any1 know where the exit is? : P

good to know u is gettin respect and meetin people and havin it large... is what it is all about.

Me hope that u checked out cafe del mar, cafe mambo and cafe savvanah and watched the sunset with all the people cheering. Make sure u do the boat/yacht cruise around the island and check out the record stores (3 stores in San An and 3 in Ibiza Town)...

Ohh, and in terms of food you MUST go to this place called Sa Cappella - a funky joint near San An - it's a church converted to a cafe - pretty kewel/blalu.. superstar DJs go there to chill and ting.

Have fun, and make sure u sort some gigs for next year!


IBIZA TOWN! | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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