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Retail Therapy Indeed | 20 comments (20 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
Subliminal 24 (none / 0) (#14)
by bill fragos on Fri Jul 2nd, 2004 at 11:53:06 AM CST
(User Info)

Mobin and I used to play at the Scumby all the time until mid-last year. Unfortunately, times change and maybe it is not as good as places like Moskva, Garage, Savvy.... haven't been too Scumby for a while, and Kings Head has so much potential if only the set up was right....

Ben, don't waste your money, I'm sure Mobin, Crispian and I will be able to sort you out with some choons... $7.50 way too much, when you can get it for free (take two!)... and many of their new releases are not new releases... still you might get lucky and find a rare gem, but come shop with us first

If you have listened to SoulGood over the last year or so (in particular the interviews) you will note that we usually ask our guests the question of vinyl & cds. Many internationals: Martin Solveig, Armand van Helden, Roger Sanchez, Junior Jack, Kid Creme and other superstars Mobin Master, Mark John and Supafly/Amen UK tour with predominantly CDs. The consistent comments are:
1. It is not the format but how the music sounds.
2. Pioneer (CD 800, 1000) and the new Technics CD player are awesome and replicate what turntables do, plus more (like looping, then half looping, then quarter looping to great effect).
3. Touring with CDs allows you to tour with well over 10 times the amount of music.

Note: I interviewed Armand about this recently and hopefully the interview will be aired soon.

Personally, I own a CDJ 1000 and love it. I do not like (at all) the Pioneer series released prior to the 1000 or the 800, purely given their inherent ability to skip and stuff up and the lack of appropriate features.

Final scratch is a good idea, but the platform is not stable and the program does not allow the music to be manipulated to my liking. The quality of the output is not that great either.

I much prefer doing what Mobin specialises in; making re-edits of favourite tracks and playing them out on CD. Martin Solveig specifically mentioned doing this too when we interviewed him earlier this year.

My thought is that it is useless to describe the discussion as a CD vs Vinyl debate as it misses the point - it is about the music, the quality of it, being able to access it and being able to promote it and rinse it to the massive. As Joey Negro says, "Must be the Music..."

How can you be amateur and a thespian??? Thespian hey.... don't Thespians come from somewhere in Greece? Thespia? It's all Greek to me... I won't tell anyone...

[ Parent ]

Retail Therapy Indeed | 20 comments (20 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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