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Damn Fine Music | 14 comments (14 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
Bueller.... Bueller..... Bueller (none / 0) (#12)
by bill fragos on Fri Jun 4th, 2004 at 01:11:57 PM CST
(User Info)

For the November 2003 Soul Good Chart is ranted:

"I believe (perhaps naively) that DJ's should promote the tracks they play so others, DJ's and members of our community alike, can source, play and enjoy them too. That said, the quality of a good DJ is not so much what they play, but rather how they play their tracks. Anyone can learn to mix or play tracks one after the other; a good DJ though mixes or arranges tracks creatively and intelligently. the quality of a good DJ is not so much what they play, but rather how they play their tracks. Anyone can learn to mix or play tracks one after the other; a good DJ though mixes or arranges tracks creatively and intelligently".

Ben, it's not what you play but HOW you play! I thought you this is what we discussed one night at Moskva?!!!Then again, you were pretty mashed up that night : P

So, go on, get in there my son n show the world whatcha made of! Show us your best Koop impersonation in Human Traffic when he's scratchin' and the camera pans around him.... : )

In any event, I am sure that you'll have stuff that we don't know about... a wise man once said (Chris Despotakis - long live Dance 100) that essentially, most DJs are fascist right wingers. What they have in their crate is the best and whatever is not in their crate they consider crap and unworthy of attention... DJs think they are better than other DJs, and everyone else is cheesey and beneath them... and club owners and clubbers need to be told what to enjoy and what is good for them.... and DJs usually wear black too.

Do I think I am a fascist? I am probably an social anarchic re-deconstructionist. What do I think of other DJs? To quote another wise man: "They can be fascist anarchists for all I care, it still don't change the fact that I don't own a car".

So, Ben, we await your presence in our humble studio.

Emmanuel, we want you too baby! Kwik!

Ps I've got a car.... a big black shiny car. (No, I am not going to quote Mr Noll).

[ Parent ]

Damn Fine Music | 14 comments (14 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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