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Only in Brisbane? | 6 comments (6 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
More Verdicts and an Appeal! (none / 0) (#6)
by bill fragos on Tue Aug 17th, 2004 at 03:33:26 PM CST
(User Info)

Yes there is another serving...

Recently, a second man who handed the mice to the contestants was fined $1000.

A third man, an apprentice chef, pleaded guilty today and was fined $750 for biting the tail of a live mouse. His lawyer told the Court that the guy was so drunk he was in shock when later told what he had done. He was given a $100 drinking voucher from the organisers beforehand and had downed bourbon and full-strength beer for six hours. The guy had also set off a mouse trap with his tongue, eaten a bird seed cup full of maggots, sucked up three chewed up chillies through a straw, drank a pint of anchovies and downed a pint of mouthwash.

The first man to be sentenced in this matter (as reported in the previous comment), the organiser, was given a $1250 fine and was ordered to pay $300 in court costs. However, the RSPCA today lodged an appeal in Brisbane's District Court over the leniency of the sentence, insisting it was "manifestly inadequate" after it called for a $5000 fine.

The competition runner-up, the fourth man charged, left court without being dealt with and is set to face court again in 2 weeks. When asked outside court today if he had any advice for competitors, the fourth man said: "Don't eat mice."

[ Parent ]

Only in Brisbane? | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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