SoulGood · House Charts . SG Set Lists/Downloads · News · Reviews . Podcast
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Credit where credit is due (none / 0) (#2)
by bill fragos on Mon May 24th, 2004 at 12:37:58 PM CST
(User Info)

Ben, your situation is not uncommon. It is what happens when you mix sleep depravation, exhaust dopamine and serotonin levels though exciting sets, increase you testosterone levels given increased presence of attractive women and adding substances (whether legal or illegal) to the equation all facilitates this situation that you are now facing. You are bordering on insanity. You are not mentally capable of appreciating the full ramifications of what you are doing when buying choons online. In fact, some DJs and MCs have attempted to use this combination of events as a legal defence to assault charges arising from spakky gang wars outside clubs in Brixton and Hackney. In relation to "lighting up the dance floor"... well, it's kinda odd being on the other side of the decks but the presence of many attractive ladies nonetheless caused my serotonin and dopamine levels to once again be exhausted, as well as the wikkid, yet familiar, choons that you were playing and the way you were playing them. The chuckles, well, just my usual deliriousness for reasons outlined above. Well that and "I can't believe he's played" Sunday Shouting... (that's old! but cool), watching you bounce around the stage like a bunny and all that scratchin' (which was making me itch). Good work Geezer.

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