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Do I Have To Steal Someones Credit Card? | 1 comment (1 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
Good Question! (none / 0) (#1)
by crispian on Mon Jan 5th, 2004 at 12:04:47 AM CST
(User Info)

I take it then, that you're under 18? If you're over 18, you can get a debit card which works exactly like a credit card, except you need to put money on it before you can spend it (which means the bank's more likely to hand one over to you). Otherwise, the other option is to have your parents organise the card for you.

But I would say that you have a next to zero chance of getting any UKG or 2step from a local supplier these days. I have well over 200 UKG vinyl, and at a rough guess, I'd say that around 10% of that was aquired locally, and that was during the days when major labels were releasing UKG b-side mixes. The rest was either from friends being overseas and bringing it back, or from online shops. It looks as though the credit (or debit) card may need to take it's rightful place in the DJ's aresenal, right along with the 2 1200s, mixer and subwoofer ;-).

Do I Have To Steal Someones Credit Card? | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 editorial, 0 hidden)
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